The first half of 2025 is already starting to fill up. Here are some of the highlights:
2025 Vaccinology Problem Based Learning (PBL) exercise: Malaria and mpox: The vaccinology Problem Based Learning (PBL) exercise I run every spring (January-March) this year focuses on malaria and mpox (see my teaching page, and a copy of the 2025 PBL is here).
Natural Products for Disease Chemoprevention: In March I am due to deliver my introductory chapter to the Royal Society of Chemistry Book “Natural Products for Disease Chemoprevention”, part of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Drug Discovery book series.
Consumables and boring but essential ingredients in global health research: In April I am organising a workshop on “Consumables and boring but essential ingredients in global health research”, with the support of the Robert Koch Institute, IOI, the Coalition for Equitable Research in Low-Resource Settings (CERCLE), and the British Council. This synergises with the work of many others working to strengthen capacity for research in low-income settings — including colleagues at UWL, RHUL, the British Medical Council — who frequently find that unexciting practical and logistical bits undermine their efforts.
Malaria and mpox webinars: I am organising two webinars covering malaria and mpox, in partnership with the Burundi National Institute of Public Health, the African Vaccine Research Network, and the Coalition for Equitable Research in Low-Resource Settings (CERCLE).
AI in health in LMICs: At the end of April (25th -27th) I will be chairing a panel on the uses of AI in health in LMICs during the MSc IHTM ten-year reunion.
Global Solutions Summit: In early May (5th-6th) I will be at the Global Solutions Summit, Berlin.
Planetary Health, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: Later in May (19th-21st) I will be a discussant on a panel at the interdisciplinary meeting on planetary health, “Planetary health – connecting the dots. What saves the planet saves our health” organised by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, and the Journal of Internal Medicine. The purpose of the meeting (program here) is to discuss solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis.
Times Higher Education Global Sustainable Development Congress, Istanbul: In June (16th-19th) I will be speaking at the Times Higher Education’s Global Sustainable Development Congress, in Istanbul, Turkey, on “Achieving universal health coverage; the path to health equity”.
China book published: In early summer 2025 the Chinese translation of my book is due out and I will be giving a one-week ‘master class’ to mostly Chinese scholars, and hopefully doing another tour of China (my previous speaker tours to more than 50 Chinese institutes are described on my Teaching and communications page).
Lancet One health Commission support event: In June, with the Oxford AMR network, I am organising an Oxford event to support the launch of the Lancet One Health Commission Report.
AI for Good Global Summit, Geneva: In July (8th-11th) I will be in Geneva at the AI for Good Global Summit, “Advancing trustworthy AI for sustainable development”.