Andrew Farlow's work on infectious diseases and vaccines

I have worked on vaccines and drugs for over 20 years.  

I was a co-PI on the Oxford Martin School Vaccine Design Institute  which ran from 2010-2015.  I was a co-PI on the EU-funded International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance (IDAMS). I have also advised funders on their vaccine-related investments.

I gather here prior papers, reports, and analysis by area.


Lee, J. S., & Farlow, A. (2019). The threat of climate change to non-dengue-endemic countries: increasing risk of dengue transmission potential using climate and non-climate datasets. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1-7.

Lee, J. S., Lourenco, J., Gupta, S., & Farlow, A. (2018). A multi-country study of dengue vaccination strategies with Dengvaxia and a future vaccine candidate in three dengue-endemic countries: Vietnam, Thailand, and Colombia. Vaccine, 36(17), 2346-2355.

Lee, J. S., Lim, J. K., Dang, D. A., Nguyen, T. H. A., & Farlow, A. (2017). Dengue vaccine supplies under endemic and epidemic conditions in three dengue-endemic countries: Colombia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Vaccine, 35(50), 6957-6966.

Lee, J. S., Mogasale, V., Lim, J. K., Carabali, M., Lee, K. S., Sirivichayakul, C., Dang, D. A., Florez, D., Nguyen, T. H. A., Riewpaiboon, A., Chanthavanich, P., Villar, L., Maskery, B. A., & Farlow, A. (2017). A multi-country study of the economic burden of dengue fever: Vietnam, Thailand, and Colombia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(10), e0006037.

Fitzpatrick, C., Haines, A., Bangert, M., Farlow, A., Hemingway, J., & Velayudhan, R. (2017). An economic evaluation of vector control in the age of a dengue vaccine. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(8), e0005785.

Lee, J. S., Carabali, M., Lim, J. K., Herrera, V. M., Park, I. Y., Villar, L., & Farlow, A. (2017). Early warning signal for dengue outbreaks and identification of high risk areas for dengue fever in Colombia using climate and non-climate datasets. BMC Infectious Diseases, 17(1), 1-11.

Stahl, H. C., Butenschön, V. M., Sonntag, D., & Farlow, A. (2016). Signalling disease outbreaks: cost-effectiveness analysis of early warnings and response systems in the case of dengue control. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 4(1), 1-1.

Jaenisch, T., Junghanss, T., Wills, B., Brady, O. J., Eckerle, I., Farlow, A., et al. (2014). Dengue expansion in Africa – not recognized or not happening?. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20(10), e140487.

Bhatt, S., Gething, P. W., Brady, O. J., Messina, J. P., Farlow, A. W., et al. (2013). The global distribution and burden of dengue. Nature, 496(7446), 504-507.

Stahl, H. C., Butenschoen, V. M., Tran, H. T., Gozzer, E., Skewes, R., Mahendradhata, Y.,  Runge-Ranzinger, S., Kroeger, A., & Farlow, A. (2013). Cost of dengue outbreaks: literature review and country case studies. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1-11.

Brady, O. J., Gething, P. W., Bhatt, S., Messina, J. P., Brownstein, J. S., Hoen, A. G., Moyes, C.L., Farlow, et al. (2012). Refining the global spatial limits of dengue virus transmission by evidence-based consensus. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6, e1760.


Farlow, A. (2007). Independent assessment of the case for investment in tuberculosis vaccines. Report prepared for Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, July 2007.This report (and associated Aeras/Gates meeting in Washington at which I presented the findings) was an independent peer review of key evidence and provision of my own evidence during the negotiations between Aeras and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation over a $200m grant, at the time the largest grant by the Foundation to a PDP (Product Development Partnership). I am told that this report was important in identifying potential commercial partners for the new MVA85A TB vaccine candidate developed at the University of Oxford (see a press release here).

TB Drug Development Portfolio Figures May 2006, Report modelling TB drug portfolio figures for the TB Alliance.

This supported Farlow, A. (2007). Developing Drugs for Tuberculosis. Science 315(5815), 1076-1077.

Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New Vaccines: Task Force on Economics and Product Profiles. Meeting wrap up presentation: Gaps and Plans, Veyrier-du-Lac, October 2009. Meeting report. Meeting Executive Summary. The third meeting of the Task Force was  in Oxford in the summer of 2010 and involved those in Oxford working on TB vaccines.

TB Vaccine Scoping Study Part 1 (Epidemiology, cost effectiveness and socioeconomic issues; Demand, revenue, adoption, pricing and cost issues) for the Task Force on Economics and Product Profiles, of the Stop TB Working Group on New Vaccines (WHO, Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), December 2008. Meeting Report. Meeting Executive Summary.

TB Vaccine Scoping Study Part 2 (Lessons for TB from a selection of other vaccines) for the Task Force on Economics and Product Profiles, of the Stop TB Working Group on New Vaccines (WHO, Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), December 2008.

 for Task Force on Economics and Product Profiles, December 2008.

Stop TB Working Group on New Vaccines: Task Force on Economics and Product Profiles: Discussion Point PowerPoint for first meeting, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 11-12 December 2008.


The Malaria Product Pipeline: Planning for the Future. Major report by Moran M., Guzman J., Ropars A., Jorgensen M., McDonald A., Potter S., and Haile-Selassie H. The George Institute for International Health and Global Forum for Health Research. With a colleague, Simone Ghislandi (see p. 93), we provided the portfolio simulation framework used in this report for projecting the future funding needs of the global malaria vaccine and drug pipeline, working out the gaps and how to make the pipeline more optimal. September 2007. See a ScienceDaily article about the findings of this report here.

Farlow, A. (2006)., The Science, Economics, and Politics of Malaria Vaccine Policy, Submission to UK Department for International Development APC consultation process and the Malaria Vaccine Technology Roadmap, and a Response to the Tremonti Report to G8 Finance Ministers.

With thanks to the US Council on Foreign Relations, for picking up on this report, and making it a Must Read’ (“Seminal analysis and inquiries into foreign policy and national security issues”). Most recent version of full report: 14 April 2006. Report covered in Economics Focus of The Economist, March 2006. This report emphasised the importance of thinking of malaria vaccines (and, indeed, vaccines in general) as part of an integrated package of measures to tackle malaria and adjusting vaccine Target Product Profile (such as efficacy) accordingly, the need to think through the best way to minimise both the development and production costs of vaccines and ensure long-term supply, the need to greatly improve cost-effective evidence, the various tradeoffs between different vaccine goals, the importance of dealing with ‘risks’ appropriately, and a true sense of ‘country’ ownership of (and therefore a role in decision-making about) R&D and delivery programs. It also argued that the field needed to adopt a much broader focus for malaria vaccine development and to not narrow the search down too much, and emphasized the need to target a higher efficacy vaccine than that vaccine candidate taking all the policy attention (see November 2009 developments in this direction here and here).

Executive Summary of “The Science, Economics, and Politics of Malaria Vaccine Policy”

A Review of Malaria Vaccine Candidate RTS,S/AS02A, January 2010. Updated in January 2010 as new trial data came in.


Farlow, A. (2005). The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, Malaria Vaccines, and Purchase Commitments: What is the Fit?’. WHO Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health, WHO.

Farlow, A. (2004). Advance Purchase Commitments and a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise. Submission to HM Treasury.

Accelerating the Innovation of Vaccines: Can the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, Malaria Vaccine Initiatives, and Purchase Commitments Deliver? in Innovation Strategy Today (BioDevelopments International InstituteCornell University, and the Biodesign Institute of Arizona State University) July 2005. Section 5, pp 154-164, ‘Collaborative Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise: Four Interlocking Components’ makes some tentative suggestions on the shape of a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise; it also includes some early thinking about patent pooling for complimentary HIV vaccine patents, something now being tried by UNITAID for HIV drug patents. Section 4, pp 149-154, gives some background to the thinking; in particular, the section ‘Overlap and Need for Expanded Focus’ emphasises the importance of improving and deepening the scientific basis of HIV vaccine research – such as understanding the molecular details of HIV infection and the immune system response – and of broadening the approach to include ‘neglected vaccine concepts’, moving away from a concentration on vaccines based only on cell-mediated immunity, CMI. In recent years a consensus has grown in the field around these two views (totally independent of anything I ever wrote no doubt, based more on the soul-searching after the failure in 2007 of a CMI vaccine candidate at a late stage of development).

The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, Malaria Vaccines, and Purchase Commitments: What is the Fit?  Submission to Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health, WHO, 22 March 2005. An earlier, shorter, version of this paper was delivered to HM Treasury analyzing the creation of a “Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise” and the role and nature of purchase commitments within such a framework. The latter half suggests a blueprint for the “Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise” `i recently noticed this being used as a an early, key, reference in the Wikipedia entry on the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.

Executive Summary of “The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, Malaria Vaccines, and Purchase Commitments: What is the Fit?” 22 March 2005

Aids and Sub-Saharan Africa February 2003. A few thoughts on President Bush’s State of the Union pledge of $15 billion HIV/AIDS funding

Cryptococcal Meningitis

Varicella Zoster

I have been a member of JCVI sub-committee for varicella zoster for nearly 15 years.

Farlow, A. (2008). Childhood immunisation against varicella zoster virus: Editorial. British Medical Journal, 337, a1164 August 2008 (or toll free link).


Badalyan, A., Hovhannisyan, M., Ghavalyan, G., Ter-Stepanyan, M. M., Cave, R., Cole, J., Farlow, A. & Mkrtchyan, H., 15 Oct 2021, Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Physicians Regarding Vaccinations in Yerevan, Armenia: A Case Study of HPV. In: Vaccines. 9, 10, 1188.